Car Maintenance Costs: Are You Charging Enough in Your Auto Repair Shop?

  As an auto repair shop owner, determining the right prices for your services can be challenging. It’s a delicate balance between covering your costs, paying your employees, and ensuring a healthy profit margin while staying competitive. The key question you need to ask yourself is, “Are you charging enough in your auto repair shop?” […]

Coached People Always Outperform Uncoached People—That’s a Fact.

Coached people by AutoFix- Auto Shop Coaching. A person's hand created an upward pathway from a man's silhouette. Symbolizing coached people has a successful future.

As a coach, business owner, and former multi-shop operator, I’ve seen it repeatedly—coached people always outperform those who go it alone. That’s a fact, and it’s one of the biggest reasons I’m passionate about coaching in the auto repair industry and beyond. Now, before you start thinking this is just some sales pitch, let me […]

Selling Service with a Pen: Boost Your Auto Shop’s Success

Selling service by AutoFix- Auto Shop Coaching. A hand of a man with a pen while using laptop computer

In the auto repair industry, we often consider the importance of technical skills and wrench-turning ability. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the pen (or keyboard) is just as important when running a successful auto shop. Selling service doesn’t just mean holding a wrench; it also involves a pen, […]

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